Chirality is breaking of mirror symmetry in matter. In the fields of biology and chemistry, this is particularly important because some of the essential molecules in life such as amino acids and DNA have chirality. It is a long-standing mystery how one of the enantiomers was chosen at the beginning stage of life 1,2 . The understanding of the emergence of homochirality under some conditions is indispensable for the study of the origin of life as well as pharmaceutical science. The chirality is also emergent in magnetic structures. The longitudinal helical magnetic structure is the chiral object composed of magnetic moments, in which the ordered direction of the magnetic moment spatially rotates in the plane perpendicular to the propagation vector ( Fig. 1a). Since the sense of rotation, which is denoted as helicity, is reversed by any mirror operation, it is corresponding to the chirality.Here we show that the chirality of a longitudinal helical structure can be controlled by the magnetic field and electric current owing to the spin-transfer torque irrelevant to the spin-orbit interaction and probed by electrical magnetochiral effect, which is sensitive to the chiral symmetry breaking, in an itinerant helimagnet MnP. This phenomenon is distinct from the multiferroicity in transversetype insulating helical magnets 3-6 , in which the helical plane is parallel to the propagation vector, because the magnetic structure has polar symmetry not chiral one. While the combination of the magnetic field and electric current satisfies the symmetrical rule of external stimulus for the chirality control 1,2 , the control with them was not reported for any chiral object previously. The present result may pave a new route to the control of chiralities originating from magnetic and atomical arrangements.