This research was conducted to measure the phenotypic performance of Kambro crossbreeds of Pelung Blirik Hitam and Broiler Cobb 500. Based on Body Weight (BT) measurement, Kambro population (n = 17) has an average BT of 1,244.14 ± 453.82 grams significant (p <0.01) to F1 Pelung (n = 7) with an average BT of 602.88 ± 79.93 grams in 8 weeks period with ad libitum diet of standard feed. Phenotypic performance of Kambro significant to F1 Pelung based on the measurement of linear body weight parameter, vitality parameter, PPa-PBe parameter and phenotype parameter. Kambro has the phenotype combination of parental generation based on phenotype parameter. PPa parameter was suitable BT estimation model based on non-linear quadratic regression (r = 0.956) with formula 1.84E3 ±3.54E2*x+31.73*x 2 . Difference between chicken group (p<0.014) was significant to BT and interaction between group and linear body weight parameter was not significant based on Analysis of Covariance. Mortality rate of Kambro was lower than F1 Pelung with the absent of vaccination in semiintensive rearing system. As the size of hybrids population was limited, research findings must be validated with larger population size of hybrids.
ABSTRAKRiset ini diadakan dengan tujuan mengukur performa fenotipik Kambro hasil persilangan antara Pelung Blirik Hitam dan Broiler Cobb 500. Berdasarkan pengukuran Bobot Tubuh (BT), rerata BT Kambro (n = 17) mencapai 1.244,14 ± 453,82 gram signifikan (p<0,001) terhadap F1 Pelung (n = 7) dengan rerata BT 602,88 ± 79,93 gram pada umur 8 minggu dengan diet pakan standar ad libitum. Performa fenotipik Kambro signifikan terhadap F1 Pelung berdasarkan parameter bobot tubuh linear, parameter vitalitas, parameter PPa-PBe dan parameter fenotipe. Kambro memiliki perpaduan fenotip indukannya berdasarkan parameter fenotipe. Parameter PPa merupakan model estimasi BT Kambro berdasarkan regresi non-linear quadratic (r = 0,956) dengan formula 1.84E3 ± 3.54E2*x+31.73*x 2 . Perbedaan grup antar grup signifikan (p<0,014) terhadap BT dan tidak terdapat interaksi antara grup dan parameter bobot tubuh linear berdasarkan analisis kovarian. Tingkat mortalitas Kambro lebih rendah dibandingkan F1 Pelung tanpa vaksinasi dengan sistem pemeliharaan semi-intensif. Sebagai akibat dari ukuran populasi hibrida terbatas, temuan riset harus divalidasi dengan ukuran populasi hibrida lebih besar.