Complex oxides represent a vast class of materials encompassing a wide range of crystal structures and functionalities. Amongst these interesting properties, the study of ferroic order (namely ferromagnetic, ferroelectric, ferroelastic, and multiferroic properties) has driven considerable research over the past few decades. Driven by the development of new synthesis techniques-especially for thin films-the field of functional oxide materials has experienced unprecedented growth in terms of the discovery of new materials systems, characterization and understanding of the fundamental properties and nature of existing systems, and in the control of properties in these materials through elegant changes in crystal chemistry (i.e., doping), strain, and other variables. Throughout this book, many examples of how these aspects can be applied to complex-oxide materials have been developed. In this chapter, in turn, we focus on advances in the growth and characterization of magnetic oxide materials while investigating the structure, properties, and synthesis of modern magnetic complex-oxide thin films. We will investigate a number of prototypical examples of materials within this subgroup of ferroic oxides and will delve into the coupling of epitaxial constraint and magnetic properties and how this diverges from bulk materials.
Magnetism and major magnetic-oxide systems
Magnetism in oxidesMagnetic materials violate time-reversal symmetry, but are invariant under spatial inversion; in other words, when magnetic moments are present in a crystal, the antisymmetry operator must also be present. The 32 classical crystallographic point groups do not have the antisymmetry operator and hence cannot fully describe the symmetry of magnetic crystals. Symmetry analysis reveals 122 total magnetic space groups of which only 31 can support ferromagnetism (Aizu, 1970;Laughlin, Willard, & McHenry, 2000). A material is said to be a ferromagnet when there is long-range, parallel alignment of the atomic moments resulting in a spontaneous net magnetization even in the absence of an external field. Ferromagnetic materials undergo a phase transition from a high-temperature phase that does not have macroscopic magnetization Epitaxial Growth of Complex Metal Oxides. http://dx.