Xuinnzary:The LCm-va1ue of diazinon for Brachydanio rerio decreases from 2.3 t o 2.12 mgil during the time from 24 t o 96 h. I n the course of exposure for 24 t o 288 h against 0.26 to 2.08 mg/l diazinon the activity of acetylcholinesterase as well as acid and alkaline phosphatases decreases to 20 .... 30 o/o as a minimum. The decrease of the enzymatic activities in the brain t.issue is more time-dependent than concentration-dependent, which may de due to the respective metabolites of diazinon.Organophosphate (OY) compounds phosphorylate the enzyme acetylcholinest,erase (AChE) (O'BRJEN, 1976). ANSARI and KUMAR (1984) show that 50 f:b of the zebra fishes survived even when there was a 90 ",o inhibition in the activities of AChE ill the nervous tissue after rnalathion exposure. Despite the specificity of the site of action of O P compounds, it also caused a reduction i n the gonadosomatic index, "abortion" and skeletal deformities in the zebra fish (KUMAR and ANSARI, 1984). These
Materials arid NethodsZebra fish from Uttar Pradesh (AKSARI and KUMAR 198%) were collected,stocked and niaiiitained i n 35 1 glass aquaria equipped with dechlorinated water (25 ... 87 "C), aerated continuously. Fishes were fed twice daily, alternately with raw chopped goat liver and brine shrimp. The diet was supplemented with some food live like vestigial Urosopl~ila flies, mosquito larvae and Daphnia.The 24) 48, 72 and 96 h LC 5o values were determined in Laboratory bioassays. For this, fishes weIe starved for %4 h prior to t,heir use for bioassay. The tests were conducted i n 10 I glass aqiiaria containing 5 litres of dechlorinated water. Six replicates of 10 fishes each were exposed to each concentratio~i of pesticide. Each experiment was accompaiiied by a cont'rol having the same number of fishes and the same volume of solvent (acetone) .08 ing/l (diluted in acetone) of djazinon were selected. Six replicates of 20 fishes each were exposed to each coiiceiitration for 24, 72, 144 and 288 h along with a set of same number of untreated co~ltrol fishes. After the respective exposures, the required number of fishes were sacrificed together with corresponding control fish ; their brain mas i.emoved and processed as follows :The AChE activity was determined by the inethod of HESTRIP using atetylcholiiiiodide as substrate. The activities of acid and a.lkaliiie phosphatase were measured by the method of BERUMEYER (1967) modified after ANDERSCH and SZCYPINSKI (1947) using p-introphenylphosphate disodium salt as substrate.Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was applied to check the significance of the data.