Marine phytoplankton fix carbon dloxide primarily through the action of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RubisCO), the first enzyme in the Calvin Cycle. Although the regulation of this enzyme has been studied in algal cultures and higher plants, little is known regarding RubisCO regulation in natural phytoplankton populations. To determine if natural communities of phytoplankton utilize transcriptional regulation to control RubisCO expression, we investigated the diel relationship between '" carbon fixation and RublsCO large subunit (rbcL) transcript levels, rbcL DNA, chlorophyll a, autofluorescent cell counts and bacterial direct counts for natural communities of the southeastern Gulf of Mexico. Studies were performed with natural phytoplankton populations in Lagrangian studies or deck-top incubators as well as with a Prochlorococcus isolate in culture from the North Pacific Ocean. rbcL mRNA and DNA were detected by stringent hybridization using an antisense rbcL RNA gene probe originating from Synechococcus sp. PCC 6301. For natural communities, carbon fixation maxima (-0.1 to 0.7 pg C 1-' h-') occurred from early morning to mld afternoon, with minimal values at nlght. Peak levels of rbcL mRNA (3.6 to 22.2 ng 1-') almost always coincided with the time of maxlmum carbon fixation and were positively correlated. When natural phytoplankton population~ or the Prochlorococcus culture were maintained in continuous illuminat~on for 24 h, the same die1 pattern of RubisCO regulation was observed, implying that diel entra~ned rhythms in rbcL transcription occurred. The results thus indicate that natural phytoplankton communrties appear to regulate carbon fixatlon at least in part by transcriptional control of RubisCO synthesis and that such patterns appear to be rhythmlc in nature.