The present investigation was carried out at the Department of Horticulture, Naini Agricultural Institute, Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology & Sciences, Prayagraj (UP) during the rabi season 2022-23 to check the performance of different varieties of French Bean under Paryagraj agro -climate condition and to estimate economics of French Bean using different varieties. The experiment comprised of total 7 varieties V1 (IET/2022/FBBVAR-1), V3 (IET/2022/FBBVAR-3), V4 (IET/2022/FBBVAR-4), V5 (IET/2022/FBBVAR-5), V6 (IET/2022/FBBVAR-6), V7 (Lakshmi), V8 (Ellora No.11) consisting 3 replication which was laid out in randomized block design. From the above experiment finding it is concluded that all the parameter varied significantly. Further, while studying the plant height, no. of leaves and pod length was found maximum in (Lakshmi). Day to germination days, first flowering, 50% flowering and first pod picking were found minimum in (IET/2022/FBBVAR-1). Number of branches, pod girth, pod per plant, average pod weight, ascorbic acid, yield per ha and benefit-cost (B: C) ratio was found maximum in (IET/2022/FBBVAR-3). The maximum TSS, fiber and protein was found in (IET/2022/FBBVAR-1).