Aims This study delves into the impact of incorporating diverse organic waste materials on soil biological and chemical attributes within the rhizosphere of Albion strawberry plants (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.).Methods Eight organic waste types, including Cow Manure (CM), Poultry Manure (PM), Sheep Manure (SM), Vermicompost (VC), Rice Husk (RH), Wheat Straw (WS), Tea Waste (TW), and Hazelnut Husk (HH), were directly applied before strawberry transplantation. Effects on plant growth, soil chemical, and biological characteristics were assessed. In a controlled greenhouse, animal and plant waste impacts on rhizosphere and strawberry growth were examined. After applying organic waste (5% of pot weight), strawberries were transplanted. Soil moisture was monitored and maintained near field capacity. Employing a 61-day completely randomized design, soil samples were collected, analyzing microbial biomass C, basal soil respiration, dehydrogenase, and catalase.Results Findings revealed TW pronounced influence on basal soil respiration compared to controls, while WS significantly impacted microbial biomass carbon (MBC). SM notably affected DHA, while PM most influenced CA. All treatments augmented OM. SM, CM, and VC increased total N; conversely, TW, RH, WS, HH, and PM decreased it.Conclusions These findings highlight the ability of diverse organic waste to improve soil health and plant development within the rhizosphere of Albion strawberry plants. In addition to adds to our understanding of sustainable farming practices and provides useful information for farmers and policymakers who want to maximize organic waste usage in agricultural systems. More research and field experiments are needed to investigate the long-term impacts of these organic waste additions in real-world agricultural contexts.