We study a (1+1) dimensional probabilistic cellular automaton that is closely related to the Domany-Kinzel (DKCA), but in which the update of a given site depends on the state of three sites at the previous time step. Thus, compared with the DKCA, there is an additional parameter, p 3 , representing the probability for a site to be active at time t, given that its nearest neighbors and itself were active at time t−1. We study phase transitions and critical behavior for the activity and for damage spreading, using one-and two-site mean-field approximations, and simulations, for p 3 = 0 and p 3 = 1. We find evidence for a line of tricritical points in the (p 1 , p 2 , p 3 ) parameter space, obtained using a mean-field approximation at pair level. To construct the phase diagram in simulations we employ the growth-exponent method in an interface representation. For p 3 = 0, the phase diagram is similar to the DKCA, but the damage spreading transition exhibits a reentrant phase. For p 3 = 1, the growth-exponent method reproduces the two absorbing states, first and second-order phase transitions, bicritical point, and damage spreading transition recently identified by Bagnoli et al. [Phys. Rev. E63, 046116 (2001)].