“…The realized heritability was high too in the selection experiment reported by K atle and K olstad (1991) in laying hens. In contrast, the heritability of feed conversion ratio seems to be low ( van B ebber and M ercer 1994, in broilers; J ungst et al 1981, and B ereskin 1986, in pigs) or moderate (P irchner 1985, and T ixier ‐B oichard et al 1995, in laying hens; W ilson 1969, P ym and N ichols 1979, and W ang et al 1994, in broilers; C layton and P owell 1979, in ducks; M rode and K ennedy 1993, in pigs; J ensen et al 1992, in beef cattle). The realized heritability found in experiments of selection for feed conversion has been generally low (W ang et al 1991, in laying hens; P ym and N ichols 1979, in broilers; J ungst et al 1981, and W ebb and K ing 1983, in pigs; S utherland et al 1970, and Y üksel et al 1981, in mice; N otter et al 1976, and W ang and D ickerson 1984, in rats).…”