A B S T R A C T Growth hormone (GH) release was studied in adults of normal stature, ages 21-86 yr. The subjects were 85-115% of ideal body weight, between the 5th and 95th percentiles in height, and free ofactive or progressive disease. 9 to 12 individuals in each decade from third to ninth were evaluated. The following criteria of GH status were measured: serum GH concentration, analyzed by radioimmunoassay at halfhour intervals for 4 h after onset of sleep, and at 1-h intervals from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. in 52 subjects; daily retention of N, P, and K in response to 0.168 U human (h)GH/kg body wt314/day in 18 subjects; and plasma somatomedin C (SmC) level before and during exogenous hGH treatment in 18 subjects.All 10 individuals, 20-29 yr old, released substantial amounts of endogenous GH during both day and night (average peak serum GH obtained during day and night was 7.3 and 20.3 ng/ml, respectively); average plasma SmC was 1.43 U/ml (95% tolerance limits, 0.64-2.22 U/ ml). There was no significant effect of exogenous hGH on elemental balances or on plasma SmC. In contrast, 6 of 12 individuals 60-79 yr old showed the following evidences of impaired GH release: peak waking and sleeping seruim GH < 4 nglml; plasma SmC < 0.38 U/ ml; a significant retention in N, P, and K; and a significant rise in plasma SmC, in response to exogenous hGH.Plasma SmC, serum GH during sleep, serum GH during the day, retentions of N, P, and K in response to exogenous hGH, and rise in plasma SmC in response to hGH were all intercorrelated (P < 0.05). Plasma SmC < 0.38 U/ml corresponded to peak nocturnal serum GH < 4 ng/ml. The prevalence of plasma SmC < 0.38 U/ml