Excess serum growth hormone (GH) induces insulin resistance leading to reduced uptake of glucose in peripheral tissues, gluconeogenesis in the liver and lipolysis and finally an increase in the blood glucose levels. We report a case where a 54-year-old woman presented with uncontrolled blood glucose levels since 5 years. On examination, she had signs and symptoms consistent with acromegaly including recurrent headaches, sleep apnea, soft tissue swelling, enlargements of the feet, hands, ears and lips, mandibular overgrowth, forehead protrusio and teeth spacing. She was on oral hypoglycemic agents (OHAs) for 12 years before she visited our hospital, but the blood glucose levels have been uncontrolled for the past 5 years with recurrent hyperglycaemic and occasional hypoglycaemic events. She underwent pituitary surgery for GH producing tumor and 2 years post surgery, we had to stop all the medications for the diabetes mellitus. This indicates that even long-standing diabetes mellitus can resolve in some patients with acromegaly.