Th e growth rate C of th e cr ys tallin e bodi es a pp ea rin g in eac h of a se t of 35 c haracte rize d po ly. e th ylen e fracti ons ra ngin g from 3600 to 807 ,000 in molec ular we ight ha s been meas ured as a fun ction of th e unde rcoolin g tJ.T. In isoth e rmal c rys tallization, only ax ial ites we re found from M",= 3600 to 18 ,000.(For th ese run s, tJ.T < 17.5 °C.) From M".= 18 ,000 to M". "" 115,000 coa rse·grain ed non ·band e d s phe ru · lit es we re fo und for tJ.T > 17. 5 °C , and axialites for tJ.T < 17.5 °C : a rathe r s ha rp brea k occ urre d in th e log .o C ve r sus T data at tJ.T "" 17.5 0c. Th e morphologi ca l changes we re more gradual. Above Mil' "" 115,-000, only nea rly s tru ctureless " irregular" s ph erulit es we re found a t all und e rcoolin gs corres pondin g to isothermal growth. Typica l rin ged sphe rulites were o btain ed only on quenching. Wid e·a ng le x·ray data s howed that th e usu al orthorhombi c subce ll predominat ed in all th e morph ologies e ncount e re d. Lo w· angle x·ray data showed tha t th e s pec ime ns ex hibit e d lam e llar crystallization irres pectiv e of th e particular gross morphology involv ed. Th e growth rat e data on eac h fra c tion we re analyzed us in g
/T (tJ.T )/]where / "" I to obtain va lu es of K" a nd Co. Th e va lue of Y in K,,= Ybuue/ (tJ.hj )k was obta ined fo r eac h morphology by a ppl ying th e "Z" test of La uritze n. Y = 4 for regim e I cr ys talli zation (s in gle s urface nucl eus leads to co mpl etio n of s ubs trat e) and Y =2 for regim e II cr ys talli za tio n (num e rous s urface nu c lei involve d in s ubstra te co mp letion). It wa s found that the axia lites obeyed regim e I kin e tics (Y=4), th e coarse·grain e d s phe rulit es regime II kin etics (Y = 2), and th e irregular s ph e r ulit es " mix e d " kineti cs (Y -3). Th e ass umpti on that th e sub strat e le ngth L in Laurit ze n's regim e theory was -5 I'-m led to the prediction of a rath e r s harp regim e 1 ..... regime II tran sition (corresponding to a break in the 10glO C versus T dat a) a t tJ.T "" 17 .5 °C, in accord with ex pe riment. Th e UUe value ca lc ulat ed fro m K" and Y for M". ;;. 20 ,000 was ap proxim ate ly co nst a nt with molec ular we ight and indep end e nt of morphology; th e limiting value of uU e from kineti c meas ure me nt s was about 1285 e rg'/c m 4 • corre· s ponding to Ue(x)=90.5 erg/e m ' and u= 14.2 erg/c m ' . (This valu e of Ut'{x) co mpare s favorably with u dcQ)= 93 ± 8 e rg/ cm ' from me ltin g point expe riment s.) T he in c rease of uUe and U e that too k place at low mol ec ul ar we ight s on up to -20 ,000 was treat e d usin g an expression given by Hoffman , viz , Ue=Udx) [(,.,+/3;) / (,.,+1)] where v=number of fo ld s per molecule, /3; = U"c;lIum)/Ud x) , I ntermittent hi gh and low values of U e were found ex p erim entally in thi s regio n , s howin g that j3 ; varied with in creas· in g mol ec ular we ight between 0.15 and -0.7. Theore tic al estimates of these upper and lowe r bound s for /3; are give n . Th e ...