Floating Avena sativa 1. cv Victory coleoptile segments were used to determine whether the straight-growth indoleacetic acid (IAA) assay can be reconciled with the Avena curvature assay and the Cholodny-Went theory of photo-and gravitropism. Measurements of segment length after 5 h yield sigmoid-shaped IAA doseresponse curves with the growth rate leveling off at 1 p~. However, measurements made at 24 h generate bell-shaped curves with maximal growth being induced by 10 p~ IAA. l h e difference between short-and long-term IAA dose-response curves is not due to IAA degradation; instead, it is the result of two growth responses to IAA. The initial one is rapid, responds to low concentrations of IAA, and lasts for 12 h. l h e second response is less sensitive to IAA than the first one. It appears after 6 h but i s not obvious until the last 12 h of a 24-h incubation. l h e profile of short-term IAA doseresponse curves reflects the initial growth response, whereas that of the 24-h curve is the sum of both growth responses. Linearlinear plots of 5-and 24-h dose-response curves show that coleoptile segment growth rate is proportional to IAA concentration up to 0.3 p~. When the efficiency of IAA action is taken into account, it is found that the most effective IAA concentration for short and long incubations is 0.4 p~. It i s concluded that the Avena straightgrowth IAA assay is as sensitive as the Avena coleoptile curvature assay, and that it is consistent with the Cholodny-Went theory.Exposing coleoptiles to unilateral light, or reorienting them with respect to gravity, causes a growth response. In the first case, growth is directed toward the light, and in the second, it is directed away from the source of gravity. The CholodnyWent theory explains photo-and gravitropism in terms of a redistribution of auxin. It has been shown that stimulating coleoptile tips with unilateral light (Went, 1928;Briggs et al., 1957;Gillespie-Pickard and Thimann, 1964) or gravity (Dolk, 1936;Gillespie and Thimann, 1963;Goldsmith and Wilkins, 1964;Shaw et al., 1973) results in the appearance of 2-to 4-fold differences in IAA concentration across the tip.The Avena coleoptile curvature dose-response curve shows that there is a linear relationship between curvature and the amount of IAA applied (Went and Thimann, 1937). Thus, the differences observed in IAA concentration across unilaterally stimulated coleoptile tips are sufficient to cause the differential growth that is responsible for tropic responses. However, according to the straight-growth assay, growth of ' This work was supported in part by the John B. OHara Chemical * Fax 1-214-721-5052.Sciences Institute.
409both coleoptile and stem segments is proportional to the logarithm of the IAA concentration in the medium (Galston and Baker, 1951;Nitsch and Nitsch, 1956;Nissl and Zenk, 1969; Shinkle and Briggs, 1984). These results suggest that the differences in IAA concentration measured across stimulated coleoptiles are insufficient to explain the differential growth observed (Digby and Fi...