† Electronic Supplementary Informa on (ESI) available: TEM images of batch experiments, nitrogen adsorption-desorption isotherms and the corresponding BJH pore size distributions, EDS spectra and top-and side view video recordings from the flow driven precipitate formation. See Growth of cerium phosphate microstructures was examined under mild condition using a flow reaction system. Two entirely different development pathways were identified by which the formation of architecturally different cerium phosphate spherulites could be triggered. The selection between these mechanisms could readily be achieved by the reverse addition of precursors. Structural differences were examined by using scanning electron microscopy, high resolution transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffractometry and nitrogen sorption measurement. The precipitate flow profiles were examined comprehensively and taken into consideration to interpret the spherulite formation process.The presumed formation mechanisms were approved by time monitored synthesis and HRTEM investigation. Terbium doped counterparts of the pristine spherulites were used to assess the structure related photoluminescent properties.Regardless of the identical crystal phase and chemical composition 30-35% difference in photoluminescent intensity was found between the two types of spherulites, suggesting strong architecture dependent physical properties.