dc conductivity of different TeSe x semiconducting al|oys, with x ~ 50, 30, 20, 15, 10 and 5, are studied in both the liquid and the crystallized phases. The composition dependence of e0 (temperature independent pre-exponent) and E a (activation energy of conduction) in liquid Se-Te mixtures has been correlated with the electronic features and ability of the Te atoms to dissoeiate the Se chains. The conductivity dependence on time (t) in supercooled liquid Te-Se alloys is investigated in the temperature range of 90 180 ~ The data obtained are used to calculate the crystallization kinetic parameters K and n of ah AVRAMI equation in the form, a(t) = 1 --Exp (--Ktn). The activation energy of the crystallization process shows a certain compositional dependence with a minimum value 0.37 eV at the composition of TeSea0.