Crystal growth of alloy semiconductor has been under investigation at the International Space Station (ISS) to investigate growth kinetics at the solid-liquid interface, because microgravity can suppress the natural convection. In this study, we focused on InGaSb which is one of the promising ternary alloy semiconductors. As a preliminary experiment, wetting angle between the InGaSb and the materials of the ampoule and cartridge, such as quartz, carbon sheet, BN, and C-103 alloy, were measured to check their affinity of the configuration. The InGaSb exhibited much higher wetting ability on the C-103 substrate than that on the other substrates (quartz, BN, and graphite), and this result suggested C-103 can prevent leakage of the InGaSb samples in case the ampoule collapses in the cartridge. On the other hand, BN and graphite exhibited low wetting abilities with InGaSb; therefore, they are suitable materials for the ampoule because they do not significantly affect the InGaSb crystal growth. In another preliminary experiment, concentration of Te dopant, which was added to make striation in the grown crystal, was measured using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). It is confirmed that Te concentrations were relatively higher at the striation area.