This unit describes methods, media, and equipment required for routine laboratory culture and handling of the oral anaerobic spirochete Treponema denticola. Topics discussed include nutrient requirements, recommended formulations for growth in liquid and solid media, and expected growth kinetics, as well as methods and equipment necessary to maintain anaerobic conditions. Protocols on isolation of T. denticola from clinical samples are included. With the notable exception of specific individual nutrient requirements and media formulations, these protocols are also appropriate for working with other species of cultivable commensal treponemes.Basic protocols included in this chapter cover topics ranging from isolation of T. denticola from clinical samples (including isolation of pure cultures from single colonies) through culturing techniques applicable to biochemical analysis and genetic manipulation of T. denticola. The isolation protocols include a relatively standard method of dispersion and serial dilution on agar plates as well as a method using liquid medium in a 96-well plate format. Both of these methods employ rifampicin as a selective agent to enrich for treponemes in mixed clinical samples. Several commonly used liquid media and related solid media formulations are described, with comments on relative characteristics and performance of each. Methods, equipment, and conditions for inoculation, incubation, passage, and storage of cultures are discussed. Together, this information should provide the technical background required for routine growth and manipulation of T. denticola in a well-equipped microbiology laboratory.CAUTION: Treponema denticola is a Biosafety Level 1 (BSL-1) organism. Such organisms are not known to consistently cause disease in healthy adult humans, and are of minimal potential hazard to laboratory personnel and the environment. Standard microbiological practices should be followed when working with these organisms. See UNIT 1A.1 and other pertinent resources (see APPENDIX 1B) for more information.NOTE: Most strains of oral spirochetes require strictly anaerobic conditions during transfer and growth of cultures. Unless otherwise specified, all incubations and, where feasible, manipulations described in this unit are to be performed under strictly anaerobic conditions (i.e., nonhumidified 85% N 2 /10% H 2 /5% CO 2 atmosphere) in an anaerobic glove box chamber at 37 • C (see Strategic Planning).
General requirementsSeveral complex broth media formulations are in common use for growth of T. denticola strains (see Reagents and Solutions). These share common features including sources of peptides, amino acids, and trace nutrients (e.g., tryptone, brain heart infusion, yeast extract), as well as reducing agent(s) (L-cysteine and/or thioglycolate), volatile fatty acids, and heat-inactivated serum. All these media provide very low redox potential (Eh = −185 to −220), which is a critical factor in growth of T. denticola (Socransky et al., 1964). These media were orig...