For a closed surface S, the Hitchin component Hit n (S) is a preferred component of the character variety consisting of group homomorphisms from the fundamental group π 1 (S) to the Lie group PSL n (R). We construct a parametrization of the Hitchin component that is well-adapted to a geodesic lamination λ on the surface. This is a natural extension of Thurston's parametrization of the Teichmüller space T(S) by shear coordinates associated to λ, corresponding to the case n = 2. However, significantly new ideas are needed in this higher dimensional case. The article concludes with a few applications.
ContentsIntroduction 0.1. Background and motivation 0.2. Main results 1. Generic configurations of flags 1.1. Flags 1.2. Wedge-product invariants of generic flag triples 1.3. Quadruple ratios 1.4. Double ratios 1.5. Positivity 2. Geodesic laminations 3. Triangle invariants 3.1. The flag curve 3.2. Triangle invariants of Hitchin characters 4. Tangent cycles for a geodesic lamination 4.1. Tangent cycles 4.2. Train track neighborhoods 4.3. Homological interpretation of tangent cycles 4.4. Tangent cycles relative to the slits 4.5. Homological interpretation of tangent cycles relative to the slits 4.6. Twisted relative tangent cycles 4.7. Relative tangent cycles from another viewpoint 5. The shearing tangent cycle of a Hitchin character 5.1. Slithering 5.2. The shearing cycle 6. Hitchin characters are determined by their invariants 1 2 FRANCIS BONAHON AND GUILLAUME DREYER 6.1. Revisiting the slithering map 37 6.2. Reconstructing a Hitchin homomorphism from its invariants 38 7. Length functions 41 7.1. Length functions associated to Hitchin characters 42 7.2. Shearing cycles and length functions 44 8. Parametrizing Hitchin components 50 8.1. Constraints between invariants 50 8.2. An estimate from the Positive Intersection Condition 55 8.3. Realization of invariants, and parametrization of Hit n (S) 58 8.4. Constraints among triangle invariants, and on shearing cycles 60 9. The action of pseudo-Anosov homeomorphisms on the Hitchin component 62 10. Length functions of measured laminations 64 References 66