fSixtio ar. Experiments were designed to determiine the signlificanlce of dark CO.. fixatioii in excised mlaize roots, carrot slices and excised tomato roots grown in tissue culture. Bicarbonate-14C was used to determiine the pathway anld aniounlits of CO., fixation, while leucine-'4C was uised to estimate protein synthesis in tissues aerated with various levels of CO..Organic acids were labeled fromi bicarbonate-14C, with malate being the major labeled acid. Only glutamate and aspartate were laleled in the aminlo acid fraction and these 2 alilino aci(ls comilprised over 90 % of the 14C label in the ethanol-water insoluble residue.Studies with leuciine-14C as an indicator of protein synltlhesis in carrot slices and tomato roots showed that those tissues aerated with air iincorporated 33 % more leucine-14C into protein than those aerated with CO.)-free air. Growth BaCO:,(12).At predetermined times, the tissues were removed, rinsed with deionized water, transferred into 75 ml of boiling 100 % ethanol and boiled for 3 minutes.The ethanol was decanted and the tissues were ground 755 www.plantphysiol.org on April 27, 2019 -Published by Downloaded from