Herein, we report the use of sterically invariant carborane-based chalcogenols, containing exopolyhedral B-Se or B-S bonds, as ligands for the formation of photoluminescent copper(I)based metal-organic chalcogenolate assemblies (MOCHAs). We show that precise tuning of the carborane dipole by changing the carborane isomer from meta-to ortho-allows for control over the MOCHA morphology and regulation of the resulting photophysical properties. Furthermore, microcrystal electron diffraction (MicroED) has been demonstrated as a powerful tool for metal chalcogenide structure elucidation. Through the use of MicroED, one of the isolated materials is determined to consist of zero-dimensional Cu 4 (Se-C 2 B 10 H 11 ) 4 clusters with an unprecedented Cu 4 Se 4 geometry.