Lopez, G. and Leeson, S. 2008. Review: Energy partitioning in broiler chickens. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 88: 205Á212. In commercial nutrition and in research studies, metabolizable energy (ME) is the standard measure of energy used in describing energy requirements and diets for poultry. The provision of dietary energy will influence the intake of all other nutrients. Broilers exhibit an outstanding ability to control their energy intake by adjusting their feed intake as diet energy concentration changes. There is still considerable debate on the accuracy, precision and usefulness of different procedures used for determining ME values of diets and ingredients. ME intake is generally partitioned into energy retained (ER) in body tissues (mainly as fat and protein) and as heat production (HP): ME 0HP'ER. There are few reported estimates of HP and its components, fasting heat production (FHP), heat production due to physical activity and the thermic effect of feeding (TEF). Requirements for maintenance (MEm), including major components of FHP and physical activity, are established at around 155 kcal kg BW 0.60 . We recently reported that maintenance requirements for young broilers based on kg BW 0.75 were 8% lower than the values estimated using kg BW 0.60 , and that BW raised to the exponent 0.60, was a more precise estimator. Gross energy retained in the body as fat (TERF) and protein (TERP), together contribute most of the total energy retained (TER) in the body. Efficiency of ME utilization above maintenance varies from 70 to 84% for lipid deposition in adult birds and between 37 and 85% in growing birds.Key words: Energy, broiler, metabolic rate, energy retention Lopez, G. et Leeson, S. 2008. Re´partition de l'e´nergie chez le poulet de chair. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 88: 205Á212. L'e´nergie me´tabolisable (EM) est l'e´talon habituellement employe´en nutrition, tant dans le commerce qu'en recherche, pour de´crire les besoins d'e´nergie de la volaille et l'e´nergie contenue dans les aliments. L'e´nergie des aliments exerce une influence sur l'ingestion des autres e´le´ments nutritifs. Les poulets de chair montrent une capacite´e´tonnante en modifiant la quantited 'aliment inge´re´e en fonction de la concentration d'e´nergie dans la ration. L'exactitude, la pre´cision et l'utilite´des diverses me´thodes servant a`de´terminer la quantite´de EM dans la ration et ses composantes font toujours l'objet d'une vive pole´mique. En ge´ne´ral, on re´partit la EM inge´re´e en plusieurs e´le´ments, a`savoir l'e´nergie retenue (ER) dans les tissus de l'organisme (principalement sous forme de matie`re grasse et de prote´ines) et celle libe´re´e sous forme de chaleur (CH), EM 0CH'ER. On a relativement peu estime´la CH et ses composantes, soit la chaleur produite durant le jeuˆne (CHJ), celle re´sultant de l'activite´physique et l'effet thermique duˆa`l'alimentation (ETA). On fixe les besoins d'entretien (EMe), qui incluent la CHJ et l'activite´physique, autour de 155 kcal par kg de poids corporel (PC) multiplie´par l'exposant 0,60. Le...