About 46% of the entire production is accounted for by aquaculture, with inland aquaculture making up 62% of the total. 3 In Nigeria, Fish are primarily obtained from coastal waterways, lakes, rivers, and lagoons, with the artisanal fishery industry handling the majority of the production and processing. Most of the fish caught by the artisanal fishermen are either smoked or dried, with a small amount being sold fresh. 6 However, because fish is highly perishable, spoilage processes begin as soon as it is harvested. Fresh fish is susceptible to rapid quality degradation due to a number of factors, such as environmental changes brought on by removal from its natural aquatic environment, high moisture content, microbial activity, and damage to the body from the use of improper harvesting tools and rough handling techniques. 7,8 In addition to being an aesthetic flaw that lowers the quality of fresh fish, physical damage from harsh handling puts fresh fish at risk for rapid water loss and opportunistic microbial infection during subsequent handling operations. 9 -11 With published annual estimates of worldwide fish losses ranging from 3 to 12 million tonnes, levels of fish losses are frequently reported to be 20-40% of the annual production. 12,13 In underdeveloped nations where fish harvesting and post-harvest handling technology fall short of the requirements for modern integrated long-supply chains and marketing systems, it is anticipated that these numbers will be far higher. Additionally, post-harvest losses are greater in countries where the populace consumes less protein. 14,15 Fish makes up roughly 40% of the animal protein consumed in Nigeria, so any decrease in fish supply will have an impact on how much animal protein is consumed by the populace. 16 Although there are several methods of preservation, including salting, [17][18] pickling, 19 marinating, 20 freezing, 21,22 and drying, 23,24 drying is the oldest method of fish preservation known to man. 25,26 Despite being the simplest drying method historically employed for fish preservation, sun-drying is typically characterized by qualitative and quantitative