Planting patterns affect nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) acquisition and distribution in maize and soybean under intercropping conditions. Here we reveal that strip relay-intercropping increases the N, P, and K uptake and distribution across plant organs (root, straw, and seed) of maize and soybean, accelerates the dry-matter production of intercrop-species, and compensates the slight maize yield loss by considerably increasing the soybean yield. In a two-year experiment, soybean was planted with maize in different planting patterns (SI, 50:50 cm and SII, 40:160 cm) of relay-intercropping, both planting patterns were compared with sole cropping of maize (SM) and soybean (SS). As compared to SI, SII increased the N, P, and K accumulation in each organ of soybean by 20, 32, and 18 (root) %, 71, 61, and 76 (straw) %, and 68, 65, and 62 (seed) %, respectively, whereas decreased the N, P, and K accumulation in each organ of maize by 1, 4, and 8 (root) %, 1, 10, and 3 (straw) %, and 5, 10, and 8 (seed) %, respectively. Overall, in SII, relay-cropped soybean accumulated 91% of total nutrient uptake (TNU) of sole soybean plants, and relay-cropped maize accumulated 94% of TNU of sole maize plants.