Optical density (OD) measurements of microbial growth are one of the most common techniques used in microbiology, with applications ranging from studies of antibiotic efficacy to investigations of growth under different nutritional or stress environments, to characterization of different mutant strains, including those harbouring synthetic circuits. OD measurements are performed under the assumption that the OD value obtained is proportional to the cell number, i.e. the concentration of the sample. However, the assumption holds true in a limited range of conditions, and calibration techniques that determine that range are currently missing. Here we present a set of calibration procedures and considerations that are necessary to successfully estimate the cell concentration from OD measurements.Bacteria and yeast are widely studied microorganisms of great economic, medical and societal interest. Much of our understanding of bacterial and yeast life cycles stems from monitoring their proliferation in time and the most routine way of doing so is using optical density (OD) measurements. The applications of such measurements range from routine checks during different cloning techniques 1 ; through studying cellular physiology and metabolism 2,3 ; to determining the growth rate for antibiotic dosage 4,5 ; and monitoring of biomass accumulation during bio-industrial fermentation 6 . Here we introduce a set of calibration techniques that take into account the relevant parameters affecting OD measurements, including at high culture densities, in a range of conditions commonly used by researchers.OD measurements have become synonymous with measurements of bacterial number (N) or concentration (C), in accordance with the Beer-Lambert law. However, OD measurements are turbidity measurements 7,8 , thus the Beer-Lambert law can be applied, with some considerations, only for microbial cultures of low densities. OD measurements in plate readers, increasingly used for high-throughput estimates of microbial growth, operate predominantly at higher culture densities where OD is expected to have a parabolic dependency on N 8 . Additionally, the proportionality constants (either in low or high density regimes) strongly depend on several parameters, for example cell size, which need to be included in robust calibration techniques. Yet, these techniques, essential when using OD measurements for quantitative studies of microbial growth, including growth rates, lag times and cell yields, have thus far not been established.The Beer-Lambert law (Supplementary Note 1) assumes that light is only absorbed to derive OD ~ C, which is true if the light received by the detector of a typical spectrophotometer is the light that did not interact with the sample in any way 7,9 . In general, when microbial cells are well dispersed in the solution (for the cases where N is small, i.e. single scattering regime) and the geometry of the spectrophotometer is suitable, the Beer-Lambert law is a good approximation for turbidity measurements, and N (or C) is ~...