“…Therefore, the growth of copper selenide proceeds via fast bulk diffusion of metal atoms through the crystal to its surface, which is embedded in the atmosphere containing the chalcogenic component, whose vapour pressure is the equilibrium vapour pressure, and thus defines the stoichiometry of the growing crystal [18]. The centimeter size is reached within several days in the metal atoms flux (solid state) controlled mode of growth, J Cu 5J Se [14]. We note that for one of our crystals, which has grown at higher constant volume growth rate (0.191 mm 3 /h), approximately 4 Â 10 15 copper atoms reach crystal surface per cm 2 per second from inside (for crystal sizes of rE2 mm), which should be compared to approximately 5 Â 10 20 selenium atoms per cm 2 per second reaching the surface from the outside [14].…”