ABSTRACT. Ecological models often presume that all members of a functional gulld, e.g. herbivorous cil~ates, respond ident~cally to temperature changes. To test this general assumption, w e Investigated lf planktonic ciliates withln the genus Urotncha exhibit distinct inter-and intraspecif~c responses to temperature. We examined the response of growth rate, cell volume, and production to changing temperature, using 6 temperatures between 5 and 30°C. This experiment made 3 comparisons uslng: (1) different species isolated from the pelaglc and littoral regions of the same lake; (2) different clones of the same species isolated from lakes of the similar trophic status, but different latitudes, and (3) different clones of the same species isolated from the pelagic region of a single lake Using ANCOVA a n d ANOVA procedures (a = 0.05) to examine the data w e demonstrated that. (1) clllate species within a slngle genus may exhibit distinct responses to temperature, suggesting that treating ciliates as a single funct~onal group is an oversimplification; (2) clones isolated flom a laboratory culture of a slngle species, isolated from a single locdlion, differ only to a small extent; and (3) clones Isolated from different localities, but b e l o n g~n g to the same species differ considerably in their responses. Our data indicate that (1) temperature regimes may be an environmental mche that separates species and clones and (2) even where apparent morphological and molecular differences do not distinguish taxa, functlonal differences may still exist.