A survey was conducted to measure the extent of control of Littleseed canarygrass (Phalaris minor Retz.) in wheat crop in Ferozepur district in the state of Punjab (Trans-Gangetic Plains region) by Punjab Agricultural University Farmer Advisory Service Centre (FASC) Ferozepur during rabi 2018-19. The study aims to find out the causes of poor control of Phalaris minor in wheat crop on farm fields of farmers of Ferozepur district. 90 farm fields were selected randomly for collection of data. Survey data were analyzed using completely randomized design. Survey study revealed that sowings of wheat after first fortnight of November have significantly higher number of farm fields with medium control (control 50 to 60%) (3.0 farm fields) to low control (control less than 50%) (6.3 farm fields) environments of P. minor. High control environment (control more than 60%) has significantly higher number of farm fields (11.7) with less infestation of P. minor (population of P. minor less than 5 plants per square meter). However, in low control environments higher number of farm fields has population of P. minor 15 and more than 15 plants per square meter. P. minor appeared more in significantly higher number of farm fields (14.3), (3.7) and (7.7) in high control, medium control and less environment, respectively in the month of December. Significantly higher number of farm fields (16) used recommended herbicide to control P. minor in wheat crop in high control environment. However, farmers apply unrecommended herbicide in higher number of farm fields. Herbicide was applied timely to control P. minor in wheat crop in significantly higher number of farm fields (14) in high control environment. In low control environment farmers applied herbicide late to control P. minor in significantly higher number of farm fields (8.0). Farmers used right type of nozzle (Flat Fan and Flood Jet) to apply herbicide to control P. minor in significantly higher number (14) of farm fields in high control environment. Farmers used wrong type of nozzle to apply herbicide to control P. minor in more number of farm fields in medium control and less control environments. Optimum volume of water (150 litres of water per acre) was used to apply herbicide to control P. minor in wheat crop in significantly higher number of farm fields (17) in high control environment. Farmers used low volume of water (100 to 125 litres per acre) to apply herbicide to control P. minor in significantly higher number of farm fields (8.0) in low control environment. Farmers did not practice herbicide rotation in significantly higher number of farm fields 4.0 and 8.0 in medium control and low control respectively. P. minor inflorescence was not removed by farmers in significantly higher number of farm fields 4.0 and 8.0 in medium control and low control environments respectively. Inaproppropriate herbicide selection, method of application, delay in sowing of wheat and application of herbicide, lack of herbicide rotaion and non-removal of P.minor inflorescence were the reasons for poor control of P. minor in wheat crop.