Dry matter weight level (DMw-level) was selected and tested' as a parameter for stage of plant development and as a basis for nutrient concentrations in plants by using results from pot experiments with cereals.The use of nutrient concentrations based on fixed DMw-levels resulted in clear and reproducible relationships between 1) grain yield and concentrations of various nutrients in the young plant, and 2) concentrations of various nutrients and concentration of a given nutrient in the young plant. Fixed DMw-level as expression of stage of plant development and as basis of nutrient concentrations constitutes a sound foundation for interpreting the nutritional status of plants. I N T R O D U C T I O N Already in the beginning of the 19th century relationships were shown to exist between s u p p l y of nutrients, chemical composition of plants and final yield 7 9, and a t t e m p t s h a v e been m a d e from the days of H e l l r i e g e l 6 to develop useful m e t h o d s for evaluating (diagnosis) and controlling (therapy) the nutritional status of cereals based on their chemical composition. None of the suggested m e t h o d s have, however, p r o v e d satisfactory and the aim has thus as yet not been achieved. A review of the relevant literature s revealed t h a t difficulties in interpreting results of chemical plant analyses are connected with