In this paper we study the Grundy domination number on the X-join product G ← R of a graph G and a family of graphs R = {Gv : v ∈ V (G)}. The results led us to extend the few known families of graphs where this parameter can be efficiently computed. We prove that if, for all v ∈ V (G), the Grundy domination number of Gv is given, and G is a power of a cycle, a power of a path, or a split graph, computing the Grundy domination number of G ← R can be done in polynomial time. In particular, the results for power of cycles and paths are derived from a polynomial reduction to the Maximum Weight Independent Set problem on these graphs.As a consequence, we derive closed formulas to compute the Grundy domination number of the lexicographic product G • H when G is a power of a cycle, a power of a path or a split graph, generalizing the results on cycles and paths given by Brešar et al. in 2016. Moreover, the results on the X-join product when G is a split graph also provide polynomial-time algorithms to compute the Grundy domination number for (q, q − 4) graphs, partner limited graphs and extended P4-laden graphs, graph classes which are high in the hierarchy of few P4's graphs.