Introduction. Despite the number of conducted studies, the study of intrauterine development of the spinal cord does not lose its relevance. It is one of the structures of the central nervous system, which ensures the interconnection of the structures of the human body with the brain. Also, it provides the transmission of all types of sensitivity and motor impulses. In addition, there was an opportunity to compare recently obtained data with data from ten years ago and perform further in-depth analysis. The study of embryogenesis makes it possible to identify the causes and mechanisms of birth defects of the spinal cord, which is important for the development of their diagnosis, treatment and preventive measures methods. Immunohistochemical methods play the main role, and are important for progress in medicine and biology, as they allow researchers to accurately and specifically study changes in tissues.Object and research methods. 134 preparations of human embryos and fetuses aged from 6-7 to 39-40 weeks of intrauterine development were studied using the immunohistochemical method. Monoclonal antibodies from the company "DacoCytomation" (Denmark) were chosen for the study: vimentin, synaptophysin, Ki-67, CDX2, S-100.The results. The 5-6th week of gestation is characterized by active proliferation processes, which is why a strong expression of Ki-67 was observed. In the future, the proliferation processes gradually fade away, which is directly proportional to the expression of Ki-67. As for S-100, in the embryonic period the expression is weakly expressed and begins to increase and is noted as strong from the 14-15th week of gestation. As for vimentin and CDX-2, they are characterized by strong expression at the end of the embryonic period.Conclusions. Based on the results of immunohistochemical methods, it was found that before the end of the period of intrauterine development, the expression of Ki-67 is weak, and vimentin and CDX-2 are completely absent. Instead, the expression of S-100 and synaptophysin in the studied nuclei is alternately relatively strong.