“…It performs for each training set a numerical optimization of the technique as well as its parameters [27,28] by minimizing the cross-validation error, see [25]. Among the algorithms scanned by pSeven are the following: ridge regression [29], stepwise regression [30], elastic net [31], Gaussian processes [32], sparse Gaussian processes [33,34], High Dimensional Approximation (HDA) [25,35], and High dimensional approximation combined with Gaussian processes (HDAGP) (this technique is related to artificial neural networks and, more specifically, to the two-layer perceptron with a non-linear activation function [35]). Two desirable features of pSeven are: (i) all data manipulation is done via graphical user interface (GUI) and (ii) it can export the constructed surrogate model as a stand alone function in a number of scientific computing languages, including Matlab, C source for MEX, C source for stand alone program, C header for library, C source for library, functional mock-up interface (FMU) for Co-simulation 1.0 and executable.…”