Herein we report the quantification of purine lesions arising from gamma-radiation sourced hydroxyl radicals (HO · ) on tertiary dsDNA helical forms of supercoiled (SC), open circular (OC), and linear (L) conformation, along with single-stranded folded and non-folded sequences of guanine-rich DNA in selected G-quadruplex structures. We identify that DNA helical topology and folding plays major, and unexpected, roles in the formation of 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-oxo-dG) and 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2'-deoxyadenosine (8-oxo-dA), along with tandem-type purine lesions 5 (mutTel24) were exposed to HO · radicals and purine lesions were then quantified via stable isotope dilution LC-MS/MS analysis. Purine oxidation in dsDNA follows L > OC ) SC indicating greater damage towards the extended B-DNA topology. Conversely, G-quadruplex sequences were significantly more resistant toward purine oxidation in their unfolded states as compared with G-tetrad folded topologies; this effect is confirmed upon comparative analysis of Tel22 ($50% solution folded) and mutTel24 ($90% solution folded). In an effort to identify the accessibly of hydroxyl radicals to quadruplex purine nucleobases, G-quadruplex solvent cavities were then modeled at 1.33 Å with evidence suggesting that folded G-tetrads may act as potential oxidant traps to protect against chromosomal DNA damage.