Set-based integration methods allow to prove properties of differential systems, which take into account bounded disturbances. The systems (either time-discrete, time-continuous or hybrid) satisfying such properties are said to be "robust". In the context of optimal control synthesis, the set-based methods are generally extensions of numerical optimal methods of two classes: first, methods based on convex optimization; second, methods based on the dynamic programming principle. Heymann et al. have recently shown that, for certain systems of low dimension, the second numerical method can give better solutions than the first one. They have built a solver (Bocop) that implements both numerical methods. We show in this paper that a set-based extension of a method of the second class which uses a guaranteed Euler integration method, allows us to find such good solutions. Besides, these solutions enjoy the property of robustness against uncertainties on initial conditions and bounded disturbances. We demonstrate the practical interest of our method on an example taken from the numerical Bocop solver. We also give a variant of our method, inspired by the method of Model Predictive Control, that allows us to find more efficiently an optimal control at the price of losing robustness.