ABSTRACTj ts_185 334..345 This study focuses on the effect of temperature on the rheological properties of white guava puree. The results of the textural analysis on the whole guava as well as the rheological analysis on the puree made from it showed different behaviors depending on whether the fruit was unripened or ripened. A relationship was observed between the textural properties of the whole guava and the rheological parameters of its puree. The behavior of white guava puree was thixotropic and pseudoplastic, and its rheological properties were dependent of the temperature. Its consistency coefficient decreased and its flow behavior index increased with an increase in temperature. Experimental data were fitted by the power law, and the activation energy of the process was calculated from the Arrhenius equation. Oscillation test data showed that the viscoelasticity for the guava puree was also affected by temperature.
PRACTICAL APPLICATIONSKnowledge of the rheological properties of foods is useful for quality control, and design and evaluation of process equipment. In this study, it has demonstrated the relationship between textural properties of whole white guava fruit and rheological properties of the purees obtained from these fruits.3 Corresponding