Constantly growing population of modern cities makes it difficult to share the public areas efficiently, healty and securely. Especially revising the infrastructures of urban regions according to future, there are a lot of strategies including optimum operating of public areas to overcome this problem. Undoubtedly, one of the most important components of optimization facilities is the traffic coordination. Studies on building the multi-lane roads, subways, undergrounds and pedestrian bridges, positioning the pedestrian and vehicle lanes for these roads, designing the traffic lights according to traffic jam are the most important backbones of the traffic management. Intelligent signalization applications integrated with this backbone, traffic routing and pinboards are some main components of the coordination for this traffic infrastructure. For this reason, the management of city car parking is crucial for this coordination works. In this study, it has been intended to design a system enables cars, in motion at traffic or parking area, to park in a easiest way as soon as possible via various inductive sensors, cameras, traffic routing and pinboards. Intelligent car parking solutions integrated with city traffic management systems have been formed by providing data coordination via cellular and fiber communication infrastructures in accordance to the proposed structure of the system. The parking time with an average of about 7.3 minutes during the day can be reduced by up to 5.3 minutes through considered parking system. Thus, time saving and labor force efficiency will be achieved about 74,5% which means CO2 emissions, are not only for cars in traffic but also for other vehicles, will be reduced at least about 15% in accordance with total pilot parking time. At the same time, more effective utilization of city infrastructure and data collection of simplified parking system will provide us to gain at least 20% operating profit and minimize proportionally parking fees about 15%.