Compression therapy is the cornerstone in the prevention and treatment of leg ulcers related to chronic venous insufficiency. The application of optimal high pressure is essential for a successful outcome, but the literature has reported difficulty applying the intended pressure, even among highly skilled nurses. The PressCise bandage has a novel design, with both longitudinal and horizontal reference points for correct application. In the current experimental study, the results for the general linear model, where the data set is treated optimally, showed that all 95% confidence intervals of the expected values for pressure were, at most, 5 mmHg from the target value of 50 mmHg, independent of the position on the leg and the state of activity. Moreover, even nurses with limited experience were consistently able to reach the targeted pressure goal. Future studies are needed to determine how well the bandage works on legs of different shapes, the optimal way of using the bandage (day only or both day and night) and whether the bandage should be combined with an outer bandage layer. In addition, special attention should be paid to subjective patient experiences in relation to the treatment as pain, discomfort and bulk are factors that can compromise patients' willingness to adhere to the treatment protocol and thereby prolong the healing process.