R~sum~. Les auteurs d6crivent la m6thode d'Ilizarov dans le traitement des pseudarthroses infectdes du tibia etdans la reconstruction des pertes de substance osseuse. Cette technique a dtd utilis~e chez 37 patients dans 29 cas de pseudarthroses infectdes du tibia sans perte de substance osseuse et dans 8 cas avec des d6fects osseux consdquents, allant jusqu'gz 15 cm. Les r6sultats ont dtd variables et moins satisfaisants que ceux publi6s par Ilizaroy Iui-mOme ou d'autres auteurs trop enthousiastes. Les rdsultats tardifs sont meilleurs dans les pseudarthroses infect(es sans ddfect osseux (79 % de consolidations et 68 % de tarissements de l'infection) que dans les cas avec perte de substance osseuse (44 % de consolidations et 55 % d'ass~chements). La mdthode d'Ilizarov est considdrer comme difficile d'application et comme astreignante pour le patient comme pour le chirurgien. Ndanmoins, c'est la seule technique permettant [z la fois et dans le m~me temps de traiter l'infection et la consolidation. Abstract. The authors describe Ilizaroy's method for the treatment of infected tibial pseudarthrosis and for reconstruction of diaphyseal bone defects. This technique was used on 37 patients: 29 cases consisted of infected tibial non-unions without bone defect and 8 cases with consequent bone defect between 2 and 15 cm. Results are variable and less satisfactory than those published by Ilizarov himself or other authors. The late results are better in cases of infected pseudarthrosis without bone defect (79 % bone consolidation, 68 % cure of infection) than in cases with extensive bone defect (44 % bone consolidation, 55 % cure of infection). Ilizarov's method must be considered as very demanding for the patient and also for the surgeon. It is however the only technique for treating simultaneously infection and consolidation. The treatment of infected non-union of long bones, particularly in tibial pseudarthrosis, has four requirements : 1) bone stabilisation by external fixation [18] 2) local treatment of infection with irrigation drainage [6], antibiotic cement [11, 12], plaster beads [17], antibiotic fibrin clots [3], collagen fleece [1] or tauroline gel [13] 3) achievement of bone consolidation by traditional surgical operations such as open cancellous bone grafting [16] or free vascular bone grafting [8]. 4) skin covering by various muscle flap techniques [14].Recently Ilizarov [9, 10] has described a new and original method of treatment for infected non unions with or without bone defect.
MethodThe Ilizarov technique allows the simultaneous achievement of eradication of infection and bone consolidation without debridement and without bone grafting. In animal studies, Ilizarov showed the importance of a stable but elastic bone stabilization and the role of conservation of the vessels, of the periosteum, the endosteum and the bone marrow.The Ilizarov ring fixator with transfixing Kirschner wires allows absolute rigidity of a long bone pseudarthrosis in flexion and rotation, but preserves some axial elasticity. So, earl...