DOI: 10.1039/c7ra04077f
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Gum odina: an emerging gut modulating approach in colorectal cancer prevention

Abstract: It is well established that prebiotics have a profound influence on colonic microbiota which in turn play an essential role in ameliorating the host's health. This study is focused on Gum Odina (GO), a reported prebiotic in our earlier work, and its impact on colorectal cancer (CRC). GO, upon utilization by probiotics, liberates short-chain fatty acids, acetic acid (0.864 AE 0.050 mg ml À1 ) and butyric acid (2.303 AE 0.083 mg ml À1) predominantly and increases colonization of Lactobacillus sp. and Bifidobacte… Show more

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Cited by 12 publications
(6 citation statements)
References 79 publications
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“…9 Presence of trace amount of amino acid (serine, tyrosine) and arabinogalactan 9 as a major component of GO may promote epithelialization to induce wound healing. 10,11 Moreover, the potential use of GO as matrixes for sustained drug release, 12 emulsifying agent, 13 coacervates for colon targeted drug delivery 14 and also as a prebiotic with colorectal cancer-preventing properties 15,16 were reported earlier. The presence of a trace amount of uronic acid and protein, the pH of GO was found to be acidic in nature 9 which would be very much effective for wound healing.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 84%
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“…9 Presence of trace amount of amino acid (serine, tyrosine) and arabinogalactan 9 as a major component of GO may promote epithelialization to induce wound healing. 10,11 Moreover, the potential use of GO as matrixes for sustained drug release, 12 emulsifying agent, 13 coacervates for colon targeted drug delivery 14 and also as a prebiotic with colorectal cancer-preventing properties 15,16 were reported earlier. The presence of a trace amount of uronic acid and protein, the pH of GO was found to be acidic in nature 9 which would be very much effective for wound healing.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 84%
“…The presence of a trace amount of uronic acid and protein, the pH of GO was found to be acidic in nature 9 which would be very much effective for wound healing. 17 Mitra et al 15 already reported the stability of GO in acidic pH (3)(4) and degradability at basic pH (6)(7)(8). Hence, the degradation of GO might be facilitated due to alkaline environment at the wound site, 18 which could be a good agreement with biodegradability and release of drug molecules from the wound care product at the affected site.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 85%
“…However, the drug release properties of ionotropically cross‐linked calcium alginate microspheres exhibited several serious problems like poor entrapment efficiency, quick degradation and rapid burst release of drugs in the intestinal pH 15 . Gum odina is an anionic polysaccharides obtained from the bark of Odina woider , family Anacardiaceae 16 . It is a prebiotic which upon metabolism liberates lactic acid, acetic acid and other short chain organic the immune system by increasing IgA against any kind of infection in gut 17 …”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…15 Gum odina is an anionic polysaccharides obtained from the bark of Odina woider, family Anacardiaceae. 16 It is a prebiotic which upon metabolism liberates lactic acid, acetic acid and other short chain organic the immune system by increasing IgA against any kind of infection in gut. 17 Till date, no study has been found regarding the formation of polyelectrolyte complex between gum odina and sodium alginate with calcium ion for drug delivery at colonic region.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…15 Prebiotics are indigestible in the upper gastrointestinal tract hence they must be associated with improving bowel function and metabolisms in the colon. 16 Number of tumor counts also reduced in carcinogen-treated rats after administration of prebiotics which might be attributed due to the production of short-chain fatty acid via fermentation of prebiotics by the probiotics. 17 Several biodegradable naturally obtained polymers including gum odina, inulin, pullulan, gum arabic, and so forth have been used worldwide as prebiotics for several centuries.…”
confidence: 95%