Infant microbiome assembly is intensely studied in infants from industrialized nations, but little is known about this process in populations living non-industrialized lifestyles. In this study we deeply sequenced infant stool samples from the Hadza hunter-gatherers of Tanzania and analyzed them in a global meta-analysis. Infant microbiomes develop along lifestyle- associated trajectories, with over twenty percent of genomes detected in the Hadza infant gut representing phylogenetically diverse novel species. Industrialized infants, even those who are breastfed, have microbiomes characterized by a paucity of Bifidobacterium infantis and gene cassettes involved in human milk utilization. Strains within lifestyle-associated taxonomic groups are shared between mother-infant dyads, consistent with early-life inheritance of lifestyle- shaped microbiomes. The population-specific differences in infant microbiome composition and function underscore the importance of studying microbiomes from people outside of wealthy, industrialized nations.