This paper presents field results from scale squeeze treatments carried out on platform wells within a high temperature (150C) field in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea. Scale control and the resulting squeeze treatments to production wells were highlighted as the most expensive item in the production chemical budget. The development of a cost-effective squeeze and monitoring policy has been critical to reducing the operating cost of this asset as the produced water cut rose.
The decision to use both aqueous and emulsified scale inhibitor for treating these high temperature production wells was arrived at after an extensive series of laboratory tests including formation damage coreflood studies and an assessment of chemical retention at this elevated temperature. The field data from these wells will be presented comparing treatment lifetimes and clean up rates between conventional treatments and the novel emulsion technology
A key factor to the success of such treatment is an understanding of chemical placement and the effectiveness of the treatment chemicals. Evaluation of residual chemical concentration or scaling ion chemistry has long been used in monitoring programs and more recently probes have been developed which increase the rate of evaluation/interpretation. All these monitoring methods prove that the chemical is present in the brine when sampled or that scale formation is not occurring at the point of brine analysis. This paper outlines the experimental methods developed to evaluate the suspended solids collected from the produced brine by environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM) and the associated brine chemistry to evaluate the scale risk within the produced fluids. The combination of these methods has improved the integrated scale management program in terms of evaluating scale squeeze placement effectiveness, squeeze lifetime and provides the confidence t0 extend the period between scale squeeze treatments. Also, and in some cases treatments were stopped where brine analysis alone would have suggested further scale squeeze applications were required.
The Gyda field lies on the North-Eastern margin of the North Sea Central Trough, on the Norwegian Continental Shelf, 270 km (168 miles) southwest of Stavanger and 43 km (27 miles) northeast of Ekofisk Centre. The offshore installation comprises a conventional 6-legged steel jacket which supports integrated production, drilling and living quarters. Peak oil production topped 20,100 m3/day (126,000 stb/day) during 1993. Gyda is currently operated by Talisman-Energy Norge A/S (61 %) on behalf of DONG (34 %) and Norske AEDC A/S (5 %). It was originally operated by BP Norway Ltd., and when it came on stream in July 1990, it was the deepest, hottest and lowest permeability oilfield in the North Sea1.
Gyda receives limited aquifer support and is developed by waterflood. There are 32 well slots of which currently 15 are for producers with a further 10 wells dedicated to water injection. From the outset it was recognised by BP that the formation water / injection water mix would lead to a severe scaling tendency1. The current operator, Talisman, have sought to review the scale management process to ensure that any lessons that can be learned from analysis of the earlier stages of production may be applied to ensuring effective scale control to the end of the field life cycle. It is the results of that review process that are presented in this paper.