CAMERON, J. N., and C. M. WOOD. 1978. Renal function and acid-base regulation in two Amazonian erythrinid fishes: Hoplias malabaricus, a water breather, and Hoplerythrinus unitaeniatus, a facultative air breather. Can. J. Zool. 56: 917-930. The function of the kidney in ion, water, and acid excretion was investigated in two erythrinid fishes, the water-breathing Hoplias malabaricus and the facultative air-breathing Hoplerythrinus unitaeniatus. Chronic catheterization of the urinary papilla and the dorsal aorta provided information on the urinary parameters and blood acid-base status. By monitoring total flow of urine, pH, and concentrations of Na+, C I , ammonia, titratable acidity, and lactate, the total renal flux of water, various ions, and total acid was computed. The kidneys of both species were found capable of acidifying urine, creating gradients of up to 620:l for H+ ion, and contributing substantially to steady-state acid excretion. There was no significant increase in lactate or total acid efflux from urine during postoperative (metabolic) acidosis. Respiratory (hypercapnic) acidosis caused a compensatory increase in blood HC0,-, and an increase in branchial Na+ uptake (presumably by Na-H exchange), but no change in ammonia excretion. There was no renal response in one Hoplias to hypercapnia, but an increased acid excretion in one Hoplerythrinus. The behavior of the urinary excretion system appears in various respects similar to the higher vertebrates. There was no obvious correlation between renal parameters and air breathing in these two species. CAMERON, J. N., et C. M. WOOD. 1978. Renal function and acid-base regulation in two Amazonian erythrinid fishes: Hoplias malabaricus, a water breather, and Hoplerythrinus unitaeniatus, a facultative air breather. Can. J. Zool. 56: 917-930. On a etudie le rBle du rein dans I'excretion des ions, de I'eau et des acides chez deux poissons Crythrinides, Hoplias malabaricus, i respiration aquatique, et Hoplerythrinus unitaeniatus a respiration aerienne facultative. Le catheterisme chronique des papilles urinaires et de I'aorte dorsale ont permis de recueillir des donnees sur les parametres urinaires et I'equilibre acide-base du sang. On a mesure I'ecoulement total d'urine, ce qui a permis d'evaleur le pH, les concentrations de Na+, de CI-et d'ammoniaque, I'acidite et le lactate titrables, I'ecoulement total d'eau dans le rein, les concentrations d'ions divers et la cbncentration totale d'acide.Chez les deux especes, les reins peuvent acidifier I'urine, creer des wadients allant jusqu'i 620: 1 dans le cas de I'ion H+, et favoriser une excretion d'acide relativement stable. L'acidose (metabolique) postop6ratoire ne cause pas d'augmentation importante de I'excretion du lactate ou de la fraction acide totale. L'acidose respiratoire (hypercapnie) entraine une augmentation compensatoire des ions HC0,-dans le sang et une augmentation de I'absorption du Na+ par les branchies (sans doute dans des echanges Na-H); I'excretion d'ammoniaque ne subit toutefois pas de changements...