A quasiclassical trajectory study of the OH+CO reaction J. Chem. Phys. 95, 1635 (1991); 10.1063/1.461076
Investigation of OHH2 and OHCO reactions using argonsensitized pulse radiolysisThe hot H-atom reaction, H + e0 2 ..... OH + eo is investigated under several initial conditions designed to vary the angular momentum of the CO 2 reactant. The translationally hot H atoms are produced by photodissociating H 2 S at 193 nm, resulting in a reaction exoergicity of -120 kJ mol -1. The internal energy in the eo product is monitored by laser-induced fluorescence in the VUV spectral range. Under near-nascent conditions we report the rotational distributions of eo in v" = 0 under e0 2 reactant "temperatures" of 300, 70 and 40 K. Also reported are the rotational distributions of eo in V" = 1 at 300 K and 70 K and the population ratios of [v" = 1 ]I [v" = 0] at both initial CO 2 temperatures. Three distinctively "dynamical" aspects of the potential energy (PE) surface are exhibited in this set of experiments: (i) As the CO 2 reactant is cooled, a cooling of the eo distribution is seen which suggests the reaction intermediate does not live long enough to randomize its internal energy. (ii) We report a coupling of vibrational and rotational excitation in the CO product indicated by a "hotter" rotational energy in v" = 1 than v" = 0 at 300 K. (iiifln addition, we report different [v" = 1] / [v" = 0] ratios at the two CO 2 initial temperatures. eontrary to nearly all indications from measurements on the OH product, the CO product is rich in "nonstatistical" behavior.