Various parametrizations of the multiplicity distribution are studied using the recently published large statistics OPAL results on multidimensional local fluctuations and genuine correlations in e + e − → Z 0 → hadrons. The measured normalized factorial and cumulant moments are compared to the predictions of the negative binomial distribution, the modified and generalized versions of it, the log-normal distribution and the model of the generalized birth process with immigration. This is the first study which uses the multiplicity distribution parametrizations to describe high-order genuine correlations. Although the parametrizations fit well the measured fluctuations and correlations for low orders, they do show certain deviations at high orders. We have shown that it is necessary to incorporate the multiparticle character of the correlations along with the property of self-similarity to attain a good description of the measurements. * Email address: 1 Earlier, using correlation (strip) integrals to reduce statistical errors, multiparticle genuine correlations have been searched for in hadron-hadron [9,10] and lepton-hadron [11] interactions. It is worth to note that except for problems arising due to various possibilities in defining of a proper topology of particles and a distance between them (see e.g. [2]), a rather important difficulty in interpreting results could come from a translation invariance breaking of the many-particle distributions [12]. This will lead to different results on moments/cumulants according to a variable used because different variables are sensitive to different hadroproduction mechanisms [12,13]. For example, in the high-order genuine correlations obtained in Ref. [9,11] the study is performed in four-momentum difference squared, Q 2 , dependent on Bose-Einstein correlations, whereas in the pseudorapidity analysis [10] no correlations higher than two-particle ones were found, since (pseudo)rapidity seems [13] to be more "natural" variable to search for jet formation than e.g. for Bose-Einstein correlations.