Next year, the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (ABC) will complete one century. Since its foundation back in May 1916, ABC has lead and fostered scientific developments in the country and abroad. The celebration of this extraordinary date will be an exciting moment for Science in Brazil and many projects and actions are being planned.The Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (AABC), of course, is also part of this. We are planning on publishing several special volumes on "hot topics" in distinct fields of Science, whose development are currently in the eyes of researchers throughout the globe. This will also include areas that can foster sustainable development, a major challenge worldwide. Currently we are collecting proposals, which we will be announcing shortly.With regards to the challenges for the future, one of the main issues that is attracting the attention of scientific institutions, funding agencies and editors is scientific integrity. In a world that somehow lives under the "bakery-effect" (the need for constant production of "fresh" publications at all times, see Kellner and Ponciano 2008), this need for increased scientific productivity in form of papers is leading to inappropriate and unethical behavior (e.g., Anderson and Steneck 2010) and Brazil, unfortunately is also not immune to that (e.g., Esteves 2014). In order to show what the country is doing with regard to research integrity, Sonia M.R. Vasconcelos and colleagues have published in this issue of the AABC a short panorama of the measurements and contributions that are gradually taking place (Vasconcelos et al. 2015). The central idea of this paper is to raise awareness and call attention particularly of students and scientists working at Brazilian universities where most of the research activities are taking place. Such types of articles are quite important, since they provide us with a general idea of how the country is doing in different areas (e.g., Barata et al. 2014, Leta et al. 2006, Meneghini 2013, and helps policy makers in their decisions on how to foster scientific development.