The coordination chemistry of KrF 2 has been limited in contrast with that of XeF 2 ,w hich exhibits af ar richer coordination chemistry with main-group and transition-metal cations.I nt he present work, reactions of [XeF 5 ][AsF 6 ]w ith KrF 2 in anhydrous HF solvent afforded [F 5 Xe(FKrF)AsF 6 ] and [F 5 Xe(FKrF) 2 AsF 6 ], the first mixed krypton/xenon compounds.X-ray crystal structures and Raman spectra show the KrF 2 ligands and [AsF 6 ] À anions are F-coordinated to the xenon atoms of the [XeF 5 ] + cations.Q uantum-chemical calculations are consistent with essentially noncovalent li-gandÀxenon bonds that may be described in terms of s-hole bonding.These complexes significantly extend the XeF 2-KrF 2 analogy and the limited chemistry of krypton by introducing anew class of coordination compound in whichKrF 2 functions as al igand that coordinates to xenon(VI). The HF solvates, [F 5 Xe(FH)AsF 6 ]and [F 5 Xe(FH)SbF 6 ], are also characterized in this study and they provide rare examples of HF coordinated to xenon(VI).