“…Column (1) gives the cluster ID, in Columns (2), (3) and (4) the distance to the galaxy, D, in Mpc, its absolute magnitude M V ,Gal and the foreground Galactic extinction E (B−V) are listed, Columns (5) and (6) are the absolute magnitude M V ,nGC and V − I colour of the nGCs corrected for foreground extinction, in Columns (7) through (13) are given the cluster mass (M ), ellipticity , half-light radius r h (pc), logarithm of the concentration index c = log 10 (r t /r c ), escape velocity υ esc (km s −1 ) to the tidal radius, projected distance from the galaxy centre R proj in parsecs and R proj normalized to R eff = √ a × b, where a and b are the galaxy semimajor and semiminor axes. Georgiev et al 2009), M H I = 1.6 × 10 8 M , calculated following Roberts & Haynes (1994) from the total flux measured by Stil, Gray & Harnett (2005) and a distance modulus of D = 2.96 Mpc derived by Karachentsev et al (2006). UGCA 86 is at a projected distance of ∼81 kpc (94 arcmin) southeast of the bright (M V = −21.78 mag) Scd galaxy IC 342, thus providing a system similar to the Milky Way and the Magellanic Clouds, although the latter is closer to its dominant host galaxy.…”