Yeast Hsp104 is an AAA؉ chaperone that rescues proteins from the aggregated state. Six protomers associate to form the functional hexamer. Each protomer contains two AAA؉ modules, NBD1 and NBD2. Hsp104 converts energy provided by ATP into mechanical force used to thread polypeptides through its axial channel, thereby disrupting protein aggregates. But how the action of its 12 AAA؉ domains is co-ordinated to catalyze disaggregation remained unexplained. Here, we identify a sophisticated allosteric network consisting of three distinct pathways that senses the nucleotide state of AAA؉ modules and transmits this information across the Hsp104 hexamer. As a result of this communication, NBD1 and NBD2 each adopt two distinct conformations (relaxed and tense) that are reciprocally regulated. The key element in the network is the NBD1-ATP state that enables Hsp104 to switch from a barely active [ AAAϩ proteins (ATPases associated with various cellular activities) comprise a functionally diverse family of molecular machines that share a large degree of sequence homology and an evolutionary conserved mechanism (1). AAAϩ proteins use chemical energy provided by ATP hydrolysis to catalyze forceinduced structural rearrangements of client molecules. However, the details of this mechano-chemical coupling are not well understood. AAAϩ proteins consist of one or two conserved ATP-binding modules (NBDs) 2 linked to function-specific auxiliary domains. Each AAAϩ module harbors canonical Walker A and Walker B motifs that are critical for nucleotide binding and hydrolysis, respectively. In many cases, AAAϩ proteins assemble into ring-shaped oligomers (2).Hsp104 from yeast and its bacterial homolog, ClpB, are AAAϩ chaperones that provide thermotolerance to their hosts by disassembling protein aggregates after heat shock (3-5). Reactivation of these proteins seems to be crucial because the removal of protein aggregates by degradation was found to be insufficient for restoring cell viability (6, 7). To disrupt noncovalent interactions between aggregated polypeptides, Hsp104 and ClpB are believed to employ a common mechanism that involves co-operation with the Hsp70 chaperone system (8, 9): ATP binding and hydrolysis induce a sequence of domain movements in Hsp104 which in turn exert a mechanical force on bound polypeptide substrates (10 -12). As a result, individual polypeptide chains are extracted from aggregates and threaded through the central channel of the disaggregase (6, 7, 13). This proposed mode of action is reminiscent of models established for other AAAϩ proteins, such as the unfoldase unit of the proteasome or the bacterial unfoldases ClpA and ClpX, which unfold target polypeptides and feed them into the proteolytic chamber of an associated protease (14 -17). Nucleotide-induced domain rearrangements have been observed for several AAAϩ proteins (18,19), but to what extent these movements occur in a co-ordinated fashion and how AAAϩ machines couple chemical energy to mechanical work are largely unknown. For ClpX it has been su...