A scale of relative gas-phase NO ؉ binding energies (BEs) ؉ BE of thymine, the only one accessible to direct measurement, amounts to 35.6 ؎ 2 kcal⅐mol ؊1 , which underlines the predictive value of the correlation. This study reports the second successful extension of the kinetic method to the evaluation of the absolute BEs of polyatomic cations, following our recent application to the strictly related NO 2 ؉ ion.The chemistry of the nitryl ion, NO ϩ , is the focus of active interest, recently heightened by the extraordinary multiplicity of roles currently attributed to NO. Nitryl ion, its salts and carriers, are long known as effective reagents in electrophilic nitrosation, whose study is the subject of continuing interest (refs. 1-4 and references cited in ref.2), in particular as concerns the formation of nitrosoamines (5, 6). Passing to atmospheric chemistry, the low ionization potential of NO makes NO ϩ an effective ''charge sink'' in ionized air, and the promoter of a reaction chain eventually leading to hydratedproton clusters (7,8). As the consequence, complexation of NO ϩ by H 2 O and other atmospheric species (N 2 , CO 2 , O 2 ) has a direct bearing on the chemistry of the ionospheric D region (9-11) and of the middle atmosphere (12). The biological and physiological significance of NO ϩ and of its complexes has received much attention, in connection with the recognized impact on human health of a variety of compounds important for dietary or environmental reasons, including nitrites, Nnitrosoamines, NO x oxides, etc. (13-15). For example, it has been suggested that NO ϩ , or some NO ϩ sources present in biological systems, can be involved in the neurotoxic and neuroprotective actions of NO (16,17) as well as in the nitrous acid-promoted crosslinking of DNA, a problem of considerable current interest (18,19). Finally, the use of NO ϩ as a reagent has a considerable potential for trace gas analysis (20).A quantitative knowledge of the interactions of NO ϩ with neutral ligands is central to the understanding and modelling of important problems in many research fields. This strongly suggests a systematic study of the binding energies (BEs) of the nitryl cation to representative ligands, to be carried preferably in the gas phase, to obtain results of general validity, unaffected by specific ion-solvent interactions and hence more directly comparable to those from theoretical approaches and more widely useful for modelling purposes. The interest of the problem was perceived as early as in 1980 by Reents and Freiser (21), who measured the NO ϩ BE to 28 ligands by ion cyclotron resonance (ICR) mass spectrometry. In view of the current upsurge of interest in the NO ϩ complexes, we have undertaken a systematic study aimed at the revision of the NO ϩ BE scale, taking into account the changes undergone in the meantime by certain reference standards used in the early study and the availability of new experimental tools. However, the principal motivation of this work is to be found in the attempt to exten...