The surplus consumption ratio plays a central role as a state variable in successful attempts to explain the time series properties of stock and bond prices with consumption-based asset pricing models. In this paper, optimal portfolio policies for a strategic investor who maximizes the conditionally expected utility of terminal wealth are parameterized as a polynomial in the surplus consumption ratio. Optimal portfolio policies are estimated using a method of moments estimator based on Euler equations. Unconditional portfolio policies are rejected in favor of conditional policies. Lower order polynomials are rejected in favor of higher order polynomials. Optimal stock and bond allocations are clearly countercyclical. Jel Classification: G11 * We thank an associate editor, an anonymous referee, Ralph Koijen, Arjen Siegman, and participants at a Netspar seminar at Tilburg University and a Netspar International Pension Workshop in Amsterdam for helpful comments. 1 Typically, the required moments of interest for a portfolio choice problem are generated from a VAR(1) model for the evolution of excess returns and state variables over time. This approach is very likely to suffer from misspecification. 2 Campbell and Cochrane (1999) consider a slow-moving nonlinear external habit with an infinite horizon. Li (2001) shows that a linear external habit with a 5-year horizon generates the same implications for the aggregate stock market and matches the data equally well.