“…Com pared with many other forms of de fence, dunes are less vi su ally in tru sive, have greater value for wild life and rec reation, and are able to re spond more readily to changes in en viron men tal forc ing fac tors (e.g., cli mate and sea level changes, sed i ment sup ply con di tions; Tsoar and MÝller, 1986;Battiau-Queney et al, 2001;Pye et al, 2007;Battiau-Queney, 2015). Their dy nam ics are un der stood in other works as oc curring "within" and "be tween" hab i tats (Vermaat and Gilbert, 2006). The is sue of dune dy nam ics in the Bal tic re gion has received less at ten tion than dune mor phol ogy, hab i tats and manage ment (Miszalski, 1973;£abuz, 2004;Olšauskas, 2009;Wojtanowicz, 2009;£abuz et al, 2013).…”